Version 2 2024-06-17, 16:50Version 2 2024-06-17, 16:50
Version 1 2015-12-09, 10:02Version 1 2015-12-09, 10:02
posted on 2024-06-17, 16:50authored byD Armstrong, M Capp
Three Flying Saucers is wall mounted set of three works which parody the iconic kitsch set of three flying ducks which inhabit the walls of many houses from the 1950’s to today. The project proposes a time in the future where contact with alien intelligent life has been established and we have finally obtained proof that Flying Saucers were real and had been visiting our world for many decades. Now these mysterious celestial forms have been adopted as the new kitsch and adorn the homes of the future.
Creation date
Material type
art original
Exhibition dates: 19th November to 12th December 2015. Exhibition Curated by Catherine Connolly, Counihan Gallery. Curatorial theme: SCIENCE FRICTION The Moreland Summer Show is an annual exhibition presenting the diverse and dynamic talent of artists with strong connections to the City of Moreland. The 2015 exhibition theme is ‘SCIENCE FRICTION’. We live in a time of astonishing scientific and technological development, previously considered the stuff of fantasy. While excitement and curiosity follow invention and newness it can also leave us feeling confused, ambivalent or obsolete. The postscript is always - What next?
Publication classification
J2 Minor original creative work, X Not reportable
Copyright notice
2015, The Counihan Gallery
An installation of three wall mounted works which reference the classic Flying Saucer form. Materials: recycled objects and fabricated metals, video looping sequence, led lights, digital image, painting, glass, various electrical components,