Deakin University

Application of the unified compaction curve to link wet granulation and tablet compaction behaviour

Version 2 2024-06-04, 15:45
Version 1 2017-04-04, 12:43
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-04, 15:45 authored by TH Nguyen, David Morton, Karen HapgoodKaren Hapgood
Tablets make up approximately one third of all drug dosage forms which makes tablet manufacture a common process in the pharmaceutical industry. The unified compaction curve [1] is an model developed initially to look at the impact of the roller compaction conditions on the tablet strength. The tensile strength of the tablets made from formulations containing at least 50% microcrystalline cellulose produced at roller compaction pressures were measured and the profiles were collapsed into a single master "unified compaction curve". This allowed for the tablet strength to be predicted from the roller compaction condition and formulations, and target the required tablet strength criterion set by standards or specifications [1].In this paper, the unified compaction curve was applied to investigate the effects of the wet granulation conditions on the tablet tensile strength. The study was based on a placebo formulation comprising of 50. wt.% microcrystalline cellulose, 50. wt.% lactose and a 5. w/v% PVP (K90) binder solution. The effects of the liquid level (20-50. wt.%), wet massing time (0-10. min), binder flow rate (130. g/min and 280. g/min) and impeller speed (150, 285 and 600. rpm) on the tablet strength were explored. A compaction profile was created to represent the relationship between the tablet tensile strength, compaction pressure and the granulation condition. By fitting the unified compaction curve model to the data, the profiles exploring each granulation condition collapsed onto a single master curve which predicts the tablet strength as a function of the liquid level, wet massing time or the binder flow rate. Increasing the liquid level and/or wet massing time caused a reduction in the tablet hardness when compressed at the same compaction force, and the reduction is postulated to be proportional to the compaction forces experienced during granulation. The data further collapses onto a single master curve which is solely a function of the total number of impeller revolutions. The unified compaction curve is expected to have important implications for the pharmaceutical industry by enabling the tablet strength to be optimised in advance by adjusting the granulation and compaction conditions.



Powder technology






Amsterdam, The Netherlands







Publication classification

C Journal article, C1.1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2012, Elsevier

