Artificial boiling heat transfer in the free convection to carbonic acid solution
Version 2 2024-06-18, 21:31Version 2 2024-06-18, 21:31
Version 1 2020-09-23, 13:53Version 1 2020-09-23, 13:53
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-18, 21:31authored bySA Alavi Fazel, A Arabi Shamsabadi, MM Sarafraz, SM Peyghambarzadeh
Free convection phenomenon has been experimentally investigated around a horizontal rod heater in carbonic acid solution. Because of the tendency of the solution to desorb carbon dioxide gas when temperature is increased, bubbles appear when cylinder surface is heated. The bubbles consists mainly carbon dioxide and also a negligible amount of water vapor. The results present that dissolved carbon dioxide in water significantly enhances the heat transfer coefficient in compare to pure free convection regime. This is mainly due to the microscale mixing on the heat transfer surface, which is induced by bubble formation. In this investigation, experiments are performed at different bulk temperatures between 288 and 333 K and heat fluxes up to 400 kW m−2 at atmospheric pressure. Bubble departure diameter, nucleation site density and heat transfer coefficient have been experimentally measured. A model has been proposed to predict the heat transfer coefficient.