The Better Access to Mental Health program has enabled eligible occupational therapists to provide services to people with a mental health condition. No studies have yet reported the influence of occupational therapy under this scheme. The aim of this study was to investigate whether attending an occupational therapist under this initiative influences change in psychological distress of clients as measured by the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). Method
A quasi-experimental pretest–posttest design, using pre-existing data collected in the process of regular treatment was used. Data from a total of 31 clients (mean = 17.13 years, SD = 3.603) were accessed for this study. Pre- and post-intervention scores on the K10 were used to determine if psychological distress had changed over the course of intervention. Results
Highly significant improvements (P < 0.001) were found between the K10 pre-intervention score (mean = 25.68, SD = 9.944) and the K10 post-intervention score (mean = 21.00, SD = 9.212). Male K10 post-intervention scores (mean = 17.64, SD = 5.3) significantly improved (P = 0.05), whereas results for females were not statistically significant. Medication use, diagnosis, age, number of sessions and prior contact with health services did not influence the results. Results from specific evidence-based interventions were not able to be considered in this study. Conclusion
The results of this study demonstrate effectiveness of occupational therapy services for adolescents and provide support for the ongoing participation of occupational therapists in this scheme.