Deakin University

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Body image states in everyday life: evidence from ecological momentary assessment methodology

journal contribution
posted on 2019-12-01, 00:00 authored by Matthew Fuller-TyszkiewiczMatthew Fuller-Tyszkiewicz
This review highlights the contributions of Professor Thomas Cash to the scholarship of body image experiences in daily life, including his influence on subsequent research in this field. Cash's arguments for capturing a broad range of state-based body image experiences have been heeded, with recent studies exploring positive body image constructs as well as the more studied negative body image experiences. Appearance comparisons are the most commonly studied contextual influence on body image, and they seem to have a consistent effect. However, the experiences of body image in sexual contexts, and among adolescents, those who are pregnant, or have other physical characteristics that may increase the salience of appearance warrant further attention. Findings generally support Cash's contention that trait body image relates to likelihood and level of experience of body image in daily life, though the moderating effects of trait aspects on state-based relationships remains unclear. The discussion concludes with consideration of the impact of assessment schedules on obtained results. It is also discussed how accumulated knowledge regarding state-based body image experiences may be leveraged in treatment contexts, particularly in light of clear evidence that repeated assessment of body image in daily life increases self-awareness of one's body image characteristics.



Body image




245 - 272




Amsterdam, The Netherlands





Publication classification

C1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2019, Elsevier Ltd.