Deakin University

Check-all-that-applies as an alternative for descriptive analysis to establish flavors driving liking in strawberries

Version 2 2024-06-03, 09:11
Version 1 2018-06-12, 11:09
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-03, 09:11 authored by P Oliver, S Cicerale, E Pang, Russell KeastRussell Keast
Check-all-that-apply (CATA) is a rapid sensory profiling tool that can be applied by consumers, saving time and money in comparison to descriptive analysis (DA), and providing insight into the consumer. Limited research has validated CATA against DA in strawberries, and subsequently compared the sensory attributes driving liking. The aim of this research is to compare the results obtained from DA to those established via CATA using untrained consumers, and to assess any differences in attributes identified to drive liking. Trained panelists (n = 12, minimum 60 hr each panelist) and untrained consumers (n = 131) were provided with six strawberry samples (three duplicate cultivars). The trained panel applied DA techniques to profile each strawberry cultivar, and the untrained consumer panel used CATA to select all attributes applying to each sample. A second untrained consumer panel (n = 139) rated their liking of the same sample set on a hedonic general labeled magnitude scale. Results revealed CATA produced moderately comparable product configurations to DA (RV coefficient = 0.760), with similarities in descriptors associated with liking. This research has established CATA as a time and cost-efficient alternative for the DA methodology, however, when precise definitions and subsequent quantification of the sensory attributes of products are required, DA is a more robust and reliable evaluation tool. Practical applications: Rapid sensory analysis tools are becoming increasingly popular for use in industry. The use of consumers applying a check-all-that-apply approach may be employed to understand consumer preferences. This research may be applied to further understand use of the consumer to profile the sensory characteristics of products when compared to a trained sensory panel. In addition, the results may validate the potential replacement of a trained panel for an untrained consumer panel in some situations where a detailed sensory profile, with precise definitions and subsequent quantification of sensory attributes, is not essential.



Journal of Sensory Studies



Article number

ARTN e12316


1 - 13


Chichester, Eng.







Publication classification

C Journal article, C1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2018, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


