Version 2 2024-06-18, 14:34Version 2 2024-06-18, 14:34
Version 1 2019-07-16, 13:45Version 1 2019-07-16, 13:45
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-18, 14:34authored byProfessor John Ford, Michael Ewing, Les Carlson
The subject for this issue’s Comments section is our annual focus on what it takes to be a good reviewer for International Journal of Advertising. The journal’s Editor, Douglas West, recently presented awards for reviewing excellence to two members of the Editorial Review Board, Les Carlson of Clemson University and Michael Ewing of Monash University. Once again, it was our feeling that their views on the
reviewing process would be of interest not only to potential contributors, but also to other members of our Editorial Review Board. All of us can learn from the best. Les Carlson focuses on the benefits of the review process as a form of mentoring for other scholars. He discusses both the responsibilities and rewards associated with reviewing, and he makes some interesting suggestions for authors on how to improve the value
of their manuscripts. Michael Ewing thoughtfully considers how the scholar approaches the use of theory and stresses the need for carefully establishing the context of the research a priori instead of treating it as a post hoc limitation. We hope that you will find these essays both informative and valuable. As always, we would welcome your comments at