Corrigendum : The complete mitochondrial genome of the bass yabby Trypaea australiensis Dana 1852, (Crustacea; Decapoda; Callianassidae) - a new gene order for the Decapoda.
This article refers to : Gan HY, Gan HM, Lee YP, Austin CM (2013). The complete mitochondrial genome of the bass yabby Trypaea australiensis Dana 1852, (Crustacea; Decapoda; Callianassidae) - a new gene order for the Decapoda.
When the above article was first published, the specimen from which the tissue sample was obtained from for the study is Callianassa ceramica Fulton & Grant, which was incorrectly identified as Trypaea australiensis Dana.
Mitochondrial DNA Part A: DNA Mapping, Sequencing, and Analysis