Effect of a telephone-delivered coronary heart disease secondary prevention program (ProActive Heart) on quality of life and health behaviours: primary outcomes of a randomised controlled trial
journal contribution
posted on 2013-01-01, 00:00authored byA Hawkes, T Patrao, J Atherton, R Ware, C Taylor, Adrienne O'Neil, R Foreman, B Oldenburg
Background Participation in coronary heart disease secondary prevention programs is low. Innovative programs to meet this treatment gap are required.
Purpose To aim of this study is to describe the effectiveness of a telephone-delivered secondary prevention program for myocardial infarction patients.
Methods Four hundred and thirty adult myocardial infarction patients in Brisbane, Australia were randomised to a 6-month secondary prevention program or usual care. Primary outcomes were health-related quality of life (Short Form-36) and physical activity (Active Australia Survey).
Results Significant intervention effects were observed for health-related quality of life on the mental component summary score (p = 0.02), and the social functioning (p = 0.04) and role-emotional (p = 0.03) subscales, compared with usual care. Intervention participants were also more likely to meet recommended levels of physical activity (p = 0.02), body mass index (p = 0.05), vegetable intake (p = 0.04) and alcohol consumption (p = 0.05).
Conclusions Telephone-delivered secondary prevention programs can significantly improve health outcomes and could meet the treatment gap for myocardial infarction patients.