The effect of the ferrite to austenite phase transformation route on the microstructure and interface plane character distributions was studied in a duplex stainless steel. Two markedly different austenite morphologies (i.e., equiaxed and Widmanstätten) were produced through diffusional (slow cooling) and semi-shear (air-cooling) transformations, respectively. Both austenite morphologies had textures similar to the as-received condition, which was attributed to a “texture memory” effect. The air-cooled microstructure displayed a significantly higher content of Kurdjumov-Sachs (K-S) and Nishiyama-Wassermann (N-W) interfaces (39%) compared with the slow-cooled one (16%), due to the change in the austenite nucleation and growth mechanism during the phase transformation. A five-parameter analysis of different interfaces revealed that for K-S/N-W orientation relationships, ferrite and austenite terminated on (110) and (111) planes, respectively, regardless of the transformation route. The population of these planes, however, increased as the transformation rate increased. A higher fraction of Σ3 boundaries was observed in the equiaxed austenite morphology compared with its Widmanstätten counterpart, which was mainly attributed to the different kinetics and the growth mode of austenite plates during the phase transformation. Σ9 boundaries were mostly formed where two Σ3 boundaries met and were largely of tilt character because of geometric constraints. The intervariant boundary plane distributions of both austenite microstructures displayed more frequent {111} orientations than other planes for a majority of the boundaries. This trend was markedly stronger for Widmanstätten austenite.