Enhancement of the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient using the gas injection into the water
Version 2 2024-06-18, 21:31Version 2 2024-06-18, 21:31
Version 1 2022-11-30, 05:10Version 1 2022-11-30, 05:10
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-18, 21:31authored byMM Sarafraz, SM Peyghambarzadeh, SA Alavi Fazel
In this paper, a new method for enhancing the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient of pure liquid, based on the gas injection through the liquids has been introduced. Hence, the effect of gas dissolved in a stagnant liquid on pool boiling heat transfer coefficient, nucleation site density, and bubble departure diameter has experimentally been investigated for different mole fractions of SO2 and various heat fluxes up to 114 kW/ m2. The presence of SO2 in captured vapor inside the bubbles, particularly around the heat transfer surface increases the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient. The available predicted correlations are unable to obtain the reasonable values for pool boiling heat transfer coefficient in this particular case. Therefore, to predict the pool boiling heat transfer coefficient accurately, a new modified correlation based on Stephan-Körner relation has been proposed. Also, during the experiments, it is found that nucleation site density is a strictly exponential function of heat flux. Accordingly, a new correlation has been obtained to predict the nucleation site density. The major application of the nucleation site density is in the estimating of mean bubble diameters as well as local agitation due to the rate of bubble frequency.