Deakin University

Global Matrix 3.0 physical activity Report Card grades for children and youth: Results and analysis from 49 countries

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-07-02, 06:23 authored by S Aubert, JD Barnes, C Abdeta, PA Nader, AF Adeniyi, N Aguilar-Farias, DSA Tenesaca, J Bhawra, J Brazo-Sayavera, G Cardon, CK Chang, C Delisle Nyström, Y Demetriou, CE Draper, L Edwards, A Emeljanovas, A Gába, KI Galaviz, SA González, M Herrera-Cuenca, WY Huang, IAE Ibrahim, J Jürimäe, K Kämppi, TR Katapally, P Katewongsa, PT Katzmarzyk, A Khan, A Korcz, YS Kim, E Lambert, EY Lee, M Löf, T Loney, J López-Taylor, Y Liu, D Makaza, T Manyanga, B Mileva, SA Morrison, J Mota, VK Nyawornota, R Ocansey, JJ Reilly, B Roman-Viñas, DAS Silva, P Saonuam, J Scriven, J Seghers, N Schranz, T Skovgaard, M Smith, M Standage, G Starc, G Stratton, N Subedi, T Takken, T Tammelin, C Tanaka, D Thivel, D Tladi, R Tyler, Riaz UddinRiaz Uddin, A Williams, SHS Wong, CL Wu, P Zembura, MS Tremblay
© 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc. Background: Accumulating sufficient moderate to vigorous physical activity is recognized as a key determinant of physical, physiological, developmental, mental, cognitive, and social health among children and youth (aged 5-17 y). The Global Matrix 3.0 of Report Card grades on physical activity was developed to achieve a better understanding of the global variation in child and youth physical activity and associated supports. Methods: Work groups from 49 countries followed harmonized procedures to develop their Report Cards by grading 10 common indicators using the best available data. The participating countries were divided into 3 categories using the United Nations' human development index (HDI) classification (low or medium, high, and very high HDI). Results: A total of 490 grades, including 369 letter grades and 121 incomplete grades, were assigned by the 49 work groups. Overall, an average grade of "C-," "D+," and "C-" was obtained for the low and medium HDI countries, high HDI countries, and very high HDI countries, respectively. Conclusions: The present study provides rich new evidence showing that the situation regarding the physical activity of children and youth is a concern worldwide. Strategic public investments to implement effective interventions to increase physical activity opportunities are needed.



Journal of Physical Activity and Health






Champaign, Ill.

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  • Yes







Publication classification

C1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal




Human Kinetics