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Metabolic homeostasis in mice with disrupted Clock gene expression in peripheral tissues

journal contribution
posted on 2007-10-01, 00:00 authored by David J Kennaway, Julie OwensJulie Owens, Athena Voultsios, Michael J Boden, Tamara J Varcoe
The role of peripheral vs. central circadian rhythms and Clock in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis and with aging was examined by using Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice. These have preserved suprachiasmatic nucleus and pineal gland rhythmicity but arrhythmic Clock gene expression in the liver and skeletal muscle. Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice showed fasting hypoglycemia in young-adult males, fasting hyperglycemia in older females, and substantially impaired glucose tolerance overall. Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice had substantially reduced plasma insulin and plasma insulin/glucose nocturnally in males and during a glucose tolerance test in females, suggesting impaired insulin secretion. Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice had reduced hepatic expression and loss of rhythmicity of gck, pfkfb3, and pepck mRNA, which is likely to impair glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice also had reduced glut4 mRNA in skeletal muscle, and this may contribute to poor glucose tolerance. Whole body insulin tolerance was enhanced in Clock(Delta19)+MEL mice, however, suggesting enhanced insulin sensitivity. These responses occurred although the Clock(Delta19) mutation did not cause obesity and reduced plasma free fatty acids while increasing plasma adiponectin. These studies on clock-gene disruption in peripheral tissues and metabolic homeostasis provide compelling evidence of a relationship between circadian rhythms and the glucose/insulin and adipoinsular axes. It is, however, premature to declare that clock-gene disruption causes the full metabolic syndrome.



American journal of physiology: regulatory, integrative and metabolism






R1528 - R1537


American Physiological Society


Bethesda, Md.





Publication classification

C1.1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2007, American Physiological Society