Objective Person-centred growth-oriented language and care are considered vital for achieving favourable outcomes in mental health care. Personal testimonies detailed in the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System (RCVMHS) illustrate the need for a more compassionate and hope filled system, and demonstrate the opportunity to achieve this through embedding best practice person-centred growth-oriented language. A current gap exists in understanding the process and language involved in individuals growing to mental health. Recovery has long been the paradigm for people in the mental health system ‘returning to baseline’, a stark contrast to our lived experience. We experienced a new beginning post decline, daily personal growth and healing, aiming for constant improvement as we work towards mental health, a status that many may not have even experienced before becoming unwell. Conclusions Person-centred growth-oriented care includes healing, supportive relationships with the ‘caregivers’ ideally being transformation specialists; knowing and understanding the process of daily personal growth. While the system is metamorphosing, it is highly recommended to embed person-centred growth-oriented language and care to aid in the transformation of individuals in the service.