Deakin University
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Placental restriction reduces insulin sensitivity and expression of insulin signaling and glucose transporter genes in skeletal muscle, but not liver, in young sheep

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journal contribution
posted on 2012-05-01, 00:00 authored by Miles J De Blasio, Kathryn L Gatford, M Lyn Harland, Jeffrey S Robinson, Julie OwensJulie Owens
Poor growth before birth is associated with impaired insulin sensitivity later in life, increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes. The tissue sites at which insulin resistance first develops after intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), and its molecular basis, are unclear. We have therefore characterized the effects of placental restriction (PR), a major cause of IUGR, on whole-body insulin sensitivity and expression of molecular determinants of insulin signaling and glucose uptake in skeletal muscle and liver of young lambs. Whole-body insulin sensitivity was measured at 30 d by hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp and expression of insulin signaling genes (receptors, pathways, and targets) at 43 d in muscle and liver of control (n = 15) and PR (n = 13) lambs. PR reduced size at birth and increased postnatal growth, fasting plasma glucose (+15%, P = 0.004), and insulin (+115%, P = 0.009). PR reduced whole-body insulin sensitivity (-43%, P < 0.001) and skeletal muscle expression of INSR (-36%), IRS1 (-28%), AKT2 (-44%), GLUT4 (-88%), GSK3α (-35%), and GYS1 (-31%) overall (each P < 0.05) and decreased AMPKγ3 expression in females (P = 0.030). PR did not alter hepatic expression of insulin signaling and related genes but increased GLUT2 expression (P = 0.047) in males. Whole-body insulin sensitivity correlated positively with skeletal muscle expression of IRS1, AKT2, HK, AMPKγ2, and AMPKγ3 in PR lambs only (each P < 0.05) but not with hepatic gene expression in control or PR lambs. Onset of insulin resistance after PR and IUGR is accompanied by, and can be accounted for by, reduced expression of insulin signaling and metabolic genes in skeletal muscle but not liver.









2142 - 2151


Oxford University Press


Oxford, Eng.





Publication classification

C1.1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2012, The Endocrine Society