Regulating and governing China's internet and digital media in the Xi Jinping era
Version 2 2024-06-04, 10:46Version 2 2024-06-04, 10:46
Version 1 2022-11-03, 03:44Version 1 2022-11-03, 03:44
journal contribution
posted on 2022-11-03, 03:44authored byJian XuJian Xu, H Yu
The article outlines key regulatory and governing issues and actions in China's internet and digital media in the first decade under the leadership of Xi Jinping. It argues that both the domestic and global dimensions are equally crucial to understanding China's internet regulation and governance in the Xi era. It further argues that the two interrelated dimensions that emphasise the state's centrality and supremacy in internet-related regulatory issues and frameworks help strengthen China's existing political structure at home and promote China's digital power globally in the digital age.