Deakin University

Short stature in competitive prepubertal and early pubertal male gymnasts: the result of selection bias or intense training?

Version 2 2024-06-03, 08:14
Version 1 2017-04-28, 14:28
journal contribution
posted on 2024-06-03, 08:14 authored by Robin DalyRobin Daly, PA Rich, R Klein, SL Bass
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether high-volume, high-impact physical training in prepubertal and early pubertal male gymnasts is associated with reduced statural and segmental growth and reduced serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and increased cortisol (C) levels. STUDY DESIGN: Height, sitting height, leg length, and segmental lengths (humerus, radius, femur, and tibia) and breadths (biacromial and bi-iliac), diet, serum IGF-I, testosterone, and C were measured in competitive male gymnasts and normoactive children (Tanner stage < or = 2) every 3 to 4 months over an 18-month period. RESULTS: At baseline, gymnasts (n = 31) were 0.7 years older than members of the control group (P <.05, n = 50) but were no different in terms of biologic maturity. Age-adjusted z scores showed that the gymnasts were shorter than members of the control group (-0.5 +/- 0.2 SD, P <.05) because of reduced leg length (-0.8 +/- 0.2 SD, P <.001) but not sitting height. Segmental lengths and bi-iliac breadth age-adjusted z scores were also reduced in the gymnasts (P ranging <.05 to <.001). No difference was detected for serum IGF-I or C. After 18 months of follow-up, no differences were found for rates of change in height, sitting height or leg length, segmental lengths, IGF-I, or C between those gymnasts and control subjects who remained prepubertal and early pubertal (gymnasts n = 18; control group n = 35). However, the magnitudes of baseline differences in anthropometric measures (z scores) persisted throughout the study. CONCLUSION: Short stature in these competitive male gymnasts was due to a reduced leg length but not sitting height. The lack of a difference in growth rates, IGF-I, and diet over the 18-month period indicates that the short stature reported in male gymnasts is due to selection bias rather than gymnastics training.



Journal of pediatrics






Amsterdam, The Netherlands





Publication classification

C1.1 Refereed article in a scholarly journal

Copyright notice

2000, Mosby, Inc



