Understanding Community Engagement in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Promotion in the Eastern Cape, South Africa: A Conceptual Framework to Inform Practice
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Background. Community engagement is crucial for effective and sustainable sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHRs) promotion. Community engagement in community-based health promotion initiatives is contextual and influenced by individual, community, and societal factors. In South Africa, community engagement in SRHR promotion is challenging due to numerous historical and contemporary factors including the socionormative community context and socionormative perceptions regarding SRHR matters. There is little empirical literature to guide community-based practitioners working in health promotion in understanding the contextual influences on community engagement with SRHR promotion generally or in South Africa specifically. Objective. This research aimed to explore the influences on community engagement in community-based SRHR promotion initiatives in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Methods. An ethnographic and multiqualitative study was conducted in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, involving 78 purposively and conveniently sampled participants. Findings. Three superordinate themes influence community engagement with SRHR promotion in South Africa (i) representations of the issues; (ii) perceived relevance of SRHR issues and SRHR promotion; and (iii) the relational environment, often operating in interactive ways. The themes are presented in a conceptual framework. Conclusions. Influences on community engagement in SRHR promotion in the Eastern Cape of South Africa are highly contextual. The conceptual framework arising from the study’s findings could be used in community-based health promotion and primary health care in other settings to develop the understanding of factors influencing community engagement in SRHR or other sensitive or emerging health issues, and inform relevant and appropriate design and implementation of community-based initiatives.