Understanding the psychological mechanisms of return to sports readiness after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
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Version 1 2023-02-28, 03:25Version 1 2023-02-28, 03:25
journal contribution
posted on 2023-02-28, 03:25authored byB X W Liew, Julian Feller, K E Webster
Purpose The psychological response to an Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is significant and can negatively impact return to sports outcomes. This study aimed to quantify the association between factors associated with return to sport using network analysis. Methods 441 participants who underwent primary ACL reconstruction. The 12-item ACL Return to Sport after Injury (ACL-RSI) scale was administered to all participants 12 months after surgery. Three network analyses were used to quantify the adjusted correlations between the 12 items of the ACL-RSI scale, and to determine the centrality indices of each item (i.e., the degree of connection with other items in the network). Further subgroup network analyses were conducted for those who had (n = 115) and had not returned (n = 326) to their preinjury level of sport. Results The greatest adjusted correlation was between Q7 and Q9 (fear of re-injury and afraid of accidentally injuring knee) of the ACL-RSI (group 0.48 (95%CI [0.40 to 0.57])) across all three networks. The most important item in the network was Q12 (relaxed about sport) across all three networks. Individuals who did return to sport had greater Strength centrality for Q8 (confidence in knee, P = 0.014) compared to those who did not return to sport. Conclusion Fear of re-injury and being relaxed about playing sport were the two most important nodes in the network models that describe the return to sport readiness. The importance of knee confidence at influencing psychological readiness was greater in athletes who did return to sport compared to those who did not. Our findings provide candidate therapeutic targets that could inform future interventions designed to optimize return to sport rates in athletes post ACL reconstruction.