Introduction: While using the Transonic Qc[TM] machine to assess access flow in arteriovenous fistulae (AVF), we observed that when compared to antegrade arterial needle insertion, retrograde arterial needle insertion could regularly produce lower access flow measurements. This study sought to explore this phenomenon.
Method: 23 patients entered and 20 finished the study. Patient selection criteria included: functioning AVF and an adequate AVF length for either retrograde or antegrade arterial needle insertion. After ensuring stable and similar blood pressures, 3 flow measurements were taken during the first 2 hours on the same dialysis day of 3 consecutive weeks using antegrade needle insertion then were repeated on 3 further consecutive weeks using retrograde insertion.
Results: Overall, access flows measured with retrograde insertion were significantly lower by a mean difference of 107.15 ml/min (57-484 ml/min) than the flows measured with antegrade needle placement. In 5/20, 3 recorded minimal difference and 2 had a higher access flows during retrograde insertion. No recirculation was observed during either antegrade or retrograde needle insertion. The paired t-test showed that there was significant difference between the antegrade versus retrograde mean measurements (p = 0.005).
Conclusion: Although the sample size is small and the number of measurements limited, we conclude that access flows may be greater with an antegrade arterial orientation compared to flows recorded with a retrograde orientation. The phenomenon behind this conclusion is yet to be investigated. We suggest that when using the Transonic Qc[TM] access measurement device the arterial needle should always be in the same direction for each measurement for each individual patient.
Renal Society of Australasia journal
Melbourne, Vic.
Open access
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