Deakin University

Walking pace and the time between the onset of noncommunicable diseases and mortality: a UK Biobank prospective cohort study

Version 2 2024-06-01, 21:45
Version 1 2024-02-09, 01:59
journal contribution
posted on 2024-02-09, 01:59 authored by J Henson, T Yates, A Bhattacharjee, YV Chudasama, MJ Davies, PC Dempsey, J Goldney, K Khunti, JA Laukkanen, C Razieh, AV Rowlands, F Zaccardi
Purpose: To estimate time spent in various cardiovascular disease (CVD) and cancer states, according to self-reported walking pace. Methods: In total, 391,744 UK Biobank participants were included (median age = 57 years; 54.7% women). Data were collected 2006–2010, with follow-up collected in 2021. Usual walking pace was self-defined as slow, steady, average, or brisk. Multistate modeling determined the transition rate and mean sojourn time in and across three different states (healthy, CVD or cancer, and death) upon a time horizon of 10 years. Results: The mean sojourn time in the healthy state was longer, while that in the CVD or cancer state was shorter in individuals reporting an average or brisk walking pace (vs. slow). A 75-year-old woman reporting a brisk walking pace spent, on average, 8.4 years of the next 10 years in a healthy state; an additional 8.0 (95% CI: 7.3, 8.7) months longer than a 75-year-old woman reporting a slow walking pace. This corresponded to 4.3 (3.7, 4.9) fewer months living with CVD or cancer. Similar results were seen in men. Conclusions: Adults reporting an average or brisk walking pace at baseline displayed a lower transition to disease development and a greater proportion of life lived without CVD or cancer. Availability of data and materials: Research was conducted using the UK Biobank resource under Application #33266. The UK Biobank resource can be accessed by researchers on application. Variables derived for this study have been returned to the UK Biobank for future applicants to request. No additional data are available.



Annals of Epidemiology






United States








Elsevier BV