Version 2 2024-06-04, 02:43Version 2 2024-06-04, 02:43
Version 1 2018-11-07, 13:19Version 1 2018-11-07, 13:19
posted on 2024-06-04, 02:43authored byDC De Bruyn
Chant En Couleur 2018
Creation date
This film has a 2018 entry to recognise its screening at multiple festivals in 2018: Melbourne International Animation festival, London International Animation festival, Regensberg International Short Film festival and in Screened at the Geelong Waterfront. The link below requires the password: dirk@deakin to view. It has been recommended that iadd this last entry to signify the international impact of this film as part of my Non-traditional research folio submission.
Publication classification
X Not reportable
Copyright notice
2018, The Author
Chant en couleur is a short experimental animation in which material has been directly glued to the film surface, including the optical soundtrack area. The completed film from this material is digital. You optical soundtrack's patterning is visible to the viewer: Visual Music.