A nonlinear approach to testing the unit root null hypothesis: an application to international health expenditures
Version 2 2024-06-18, 03:31Version 2 2024-06-18, 03:31
Version 1 2017-12-20, 16:50Version 1 2017-12-20, 16:50
posted on 2024-06-18, 03:31authored byPK Narayan, S Popp
In this paper, we examine the unit root null hypothesis for per capita
total health expenditures, per capital private health expenditures, and per
capital public health expenditures for 29 OECD countries. The novelty
of our work is that we use a new nonlinear unit root test that allows for
one structural break in the data series. We find that for around 45 per
cent of the countries we are able to reject the unit root hypothesis for
each of the three health expenditure series. Moreover, using Monte Carlo
simulations, we show that our proposed unit root model has better size
and power properties than the widely used ADF and LM type tests.