In the VET sector, aspects of internationalisation appear to be moving from the periphery to the centre with regard to both policy and practice. However, much of the research and scholarship on internationalisation focuses on the higher education sector, while little is known about how internationalisation is operating in VET systems around the world.
This research digest notes the lack of literature and provides a discussion of the nature and key aspects of internationalisation in VET. It argues that as an emerging field of scholarship, international VET should be acknowledged and developed as a research field that has the potential to offer valuable insights on the realities and the challenges for contemporary VET practice and policy.
Internationalisation has been one of the most notable phenomena facing tertiary education around the globe over the past three decades. Internationalisation is a crucial response to the demands to develop graduates who possess adequate skills, knowledge and attributes to engage and perform in a globalised and intercultural world.