Melton and Wyndham: Strengthening Connections between School, Young People, Parents and Community: How do we build capacity for 6-12-year-olds & their families to enhance opportunity & increase life choices in the communities of Melton & Wyndham?
Version 2 2024-06-04, 09:51Version 2 2024-06-04, 09:51
Version 1 2017-12-22, 18:50Version 1 2017-12-22, 18:50
This research project assumes the position that all communities are unique microcosms of humanity, influenced irrevocably by a complex array of inter-connected structural and systemic factors. It is precisely in recognising this complexity, and giving voice to those too often silenced by the social science research process, that this project has sought to gain insight into the communities of Melton and Wyndham. At the heart of the social science research process, as Mills and Gale (2010) contend, there should always be a representation of evidence that has as its objective the impetus to imagine how people’s realities might be improved.