This report presents an exploration of mentoring, mentoring models and evaluates the capacity of the early childhood sector to support mentoring of early childhood teachers. Included in the report is the investigation of the mentoring model used by VIT for provisionally registered teachers and other models currently employed by cluster managers and local governments.
Findings from a previous project which involved a review of the literature surrounding effective professional learning models for supporting early career early childhood teachers (Mayer & Nolan, 2008) informed the early stages of this work. Mayer and Nolan’s (2008) work highlighted supportive models of professional learning implemented both nationally and internationally and the important role mentoring played within successful models. This work provided the stimulus for a more focused and updated literature review and also provided the background to a more localised study of mentoring models currently being implemented across Victoria.
The research mapped programs that were currently on offer to kindergarten teachers across the state providing information about program design, delivery and content. The DEECD, whilst not holding information relating to the availability of alternative mentoring programs, did have anecdotal information that these mentoring initiatives did exist in varying forms across regions.
Research statement
No Research Statement Provided
Publication classification
A6.1 Research report/technical paper
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development