Deakin University
birtley-studyintothe-2002.pdf (3.9 MB)

Study into the key needs of collecting institutions in the heritage sector: final report May 2002

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Version 2 2024-06-17, 06:11
Version 1 2014-10-27, 16:41
posted on 2024-06-17, 06:11 authored by C Brophy, M Birtley, J Sweet, R Carr, R Haysom
The study was required to identify what Australian collecting institutions regard as the critical issues of concern in management, conservation, communication, access to and exhibition of their heritage collections. The study placed a special focus on the needs of regional institutions.




Open access

  • Yes




The study was project-managed by Graeme Brookes. A consultancy conducted for the Cultural Ministers' Council. Project team: Margaret Birtley, Jonathan Sweet, Chris Brophy, Rodney Carr & Rob Haysom. Completed 2001. A Deakin research team that included CHCAP members Margaret Birtley, Jonathan Sweet and Rob Haysom completed a study into the key needs of the collections held in Australia's museums, galleries, libraries, archives and related heritage organisations.

Publication classification

A6.1 Research report/technical paper

Copyright notice

2002, Deakin University


Cultural Heritage Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Deakin University

Place of publication

Burwood, Vic.