The aim of the research was to carry out an in-depth case study of the outdoor space at a purposively designed outdoor learning space in a demonstration childcare program in an Australian city. The design of the outdoor space emphasises natural elements and sustainability, while the program uses an indoor/outdoor approach with multi-age sharing of the space. The report included staff, management and researcher perspectives on how the outdoor space worked for children and staff, and provided findings that could inform the ongoing professional processes of reflection on the learning environment at the centre. In addition, the researchers also sought the views of the original designers of the outdoor space, and od centre management at the time when outdoor space was being designed and built. The researchers considered that their perspectives, along with those of current management and staff, could assist in addressing questions of long-term sustainability and practicality in the design of outdoor spaces in childcare centres.
Publication classification
A6 Research report/technical paper, JE3 Research report for an external body - Not for profit