Deakin University

Michael Clarke

Senior Lecturer (Human society)


Dr Michael Clarke is Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Future Defence and National Security (CFDNS), Canberra. Prior to joining CFDNS he held senior positions at Griffith University, Australian National University, and the Centre for Defence Research at the Australian Defence College. He is a nationally and internationally recognised expert in the history and politics of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, (China); Chinese foreign and security policy; American grand strategy; Australian defence and strategic policy; and nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation. He has an extensive record of peer review publication across these areas of expertise in leading journals and is the author of Xinjiang and China's Rise in Central Asia - A History (Routledge 2011) and US Grand Strategy and National Security: The Dilemmas of Primacy and Decline from the Founders to Trump (Palgrave 2021).


  • Michael Clarke and Matthew Sussex, 'Does Ideology Explain Chinese Policy Today?', Washington Qaurterly, 46 (3) (2023), pp. 27-43,
  • Michael Clarke, 'The ‘greatest threat’ to Australian and global security? A history of the Howard government’s evolving perception of nuclear proliferation, 1996–2007', History Australia, 20 (2) (2023), pp. 270-289,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Canberra, We Have a Problem: Interpreting Shifting American Grand Strategy Preferences in an Era of Sino–US Rivalry', Australian Journal of Politics 67 (3-4) (2021), pp. 491-515,
  • Michael Clarke and Stefanie Kam, 'Securitization, surveillance and ‘de-extremization’ in Xinjiang', International Affairs, 97 (3) (2021), pp. 625-642,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Settler Colonialism and the Path toward Cultural Genocide in Xinjiang', Global Responsibility to Protect, 13 (1) (2021), pp. 9-19,
  • Michael Clarke, US Grand Strategy and National Security: The Dilemmas of Primacy and Decline from the Founders to Trump, (Palgrave 2021),
  • Michel Clarke, 'Beijing’s Pivot West: The Convergence of Innenpolitik and Aussenpolitik on China’s ‘Belt and Road’?', Journal of Contemporary China, 29 (123) (2020), pp. 336-353,
  • Michael Clarke, Matthew Sussex and Jennifer Hunt, 'Shaping the Post-Liberal Order from Within: China's Influence and Interference Operations in Australia and the United States', Orbis, 64(2) (2020), pp. 207-229,
  • (coeditor with Matthew Sussex, Tim Le Grand and Adam Henschke), The Palgrave Handbook of National Security, (Palgrave 2022),
  • Michael Clarke, 'China's Application of the ‘Three Warfares’ in the South China Sea and Xinjiang', Orbis, 63(2) (2019), pp.187-208,
  • Michael Clarke (editor) Terrorism and Counterterrorism in China: Domestic and Foreign Policy Dimensions, (London: Oxford University Press 2018),
  • Michael Clarke, 'The Belt and Road Initiative: Exploring Beijing’s Motivations and Challenges for its New Silk Road', Strategic Analysis, 42(2) (2018), pp. 84-102,
  • Michel Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, 'Donald Trump and the Traditions of American Foreign Policy: The Return of the Jacksonian Tradition', Comparative Strategy 36 (4) (2017), pp. 366-379,
  • Michel Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, 'Shielding the Republic: Barack Obama and the Jeffersonian Tradition of American Foreign Policy', Diplomacy & Statecraft, 28 (3) (2017), pp. 394-417,
  • Michel Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, 'US Grand Strategy and National Security: The Dilemmas of Primacy, Decline and Denial', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71 (5) (2017), pp. 479-498,
  • Michael Clarke, 'The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s New Grand Strategy?', Asia Policy, 24 (July 2017), pp. 7-15,
  • Michael Clarke, 'The Impact of Ethnic Minorities on China’s Foreign Policy: The Case of Xinjiang and the Uyghur', China Report, 53 (1) (2017), pp. 1-25,
  • Michael Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, 'Did Obama Have a Grand Strategy?', Journal of Strategic Studies 40(1-2) (2017), pp. 295-324,
  • Michael Clarke and Anthony Ricketts, 'Understanding the Return of the Jacksonian Tradition', Orbis, 61 (1) (2017), pp. 13-25,
  • Michael Clarke, '“One Belt, One Road" and China’s Emerging Afghanistan Dilemma', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 70 (5) (2016), pp. 563-579,
  • Michael Clarke, 'The US-Australia Alliance in an Era of Change: Living Complacently?', Asia Policy, 23 (1) (2017), pp. 63-70,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Beijing’s March West: Opportunities and Challenges for China’s Eurasian Pivot', Orbis, 60 (2) (2016), pp. 296-313,
  • Michael Clarke, 'China and the Uyghurs: The "Palestinization" of Xinjiang?', Middle East Policy, 22 (3) (2015), pp. 119-138,
  • Michael Clarke and Anna Hayes (eds), Inside Xinjiang: Analysing Space, Place and Power in China’s Muslim North-West, (London: Routledge 2016),
  • Michael Clarke and Douglas Smith (eds), China’s Frontier Regions: Ethnicity, Economic Integration and Foreign Relations, (London: I. B. Tauris, 2016),
  • Michael Clarke, 'Kazakhstan’s "Multivector" Foreign Policy: Diminishing Returns in an Era of Great Power Pivots?', ASAN Forum, 3 (2) (March/April),
  • Michael Clarke, 'Iran as a Pariah Nuclear Aspirant', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 67 (4) (2013), pp. 491-510,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Pakistan and Nuclear Terrorism: How Real is the Threat?', Comparative Strategy, 32 (2) (2013), pp. 98-114,
  • Michael Clarke, 'China’s Strategy in "Greater Central Asia": Is Afghanistan the Missing Link?', Asian Affairs: An American Review, 40 (1) (2013), pp. 1-19,
  • Michael Clarke, '“Nuclear Non-Proliferation Trends in the Asia-Pacific: The Dilemmas of Regime Stasis, Strategic Flux and Market Expansion', Australian Journal of International Affairs, 65 (5) (2012), pp. 514-526,
  • Michael Clarke, Stephan Fruhling and Andrew O'Neil, Australian Nuclear Policy: Reconciling Strategic, Economic and Normative Interests, (London: Routledge 2015),
  • Michael Clarke, 'The Fraser Government’s "Uranium Decision" and the Foundations of Australian Non-Proliferation Policy: A Reappraisal', Australian Journal of Politics and History, 58 (2) (2012), pp. 221-235,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Australia, India and the Uranium Question', Australian Journal of Political Science, 46 (3) (2011), pp. 487-500,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Widening the Net: China’s Anti-Terror Laws and Human Rights in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region', International Journal of Human Rights, 14 (4) (2011), pp. 542-558,
  • Michael Clarke, Xinjiang and China's Rise in Central Asia - A History, (Routledge 2011),
  • Michael Clarke, 'China, Xinjiang and the Internationalisation of the Uyghur Issue', Global Change, Peace and Security, 22 (2) (2010), pp. 215-231,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Nuclear Disarmament and the 2010 NPT Review Conference', Global Policy, 1 (1) (2010), pp. 101-107,
  • Michael Clarke and Colin Mackerras (eds), China, Xinjiang and Central Asia: History, Transition and Crossborder Interaction into the 21st Century, (London: Routledge 2009),
  • Michael Clarke, 'Refashioning Australia’s Nuclear Bargain? The Challenges of Changing Strategic, Regime and Market Environments', Nonproliferation Review, 15 (2) (2008), pp. 311-334,
  • Michael Clarke, '"Making the Crooked Straight": China’s Grand Strategy of Peaceful Rise and its Central Asian Dimension', Asian Security, 4 (2) (2008), pp. 107-142,
  • Michael Clarke, 'China’s "War on Terror" in Xinjiang: Human Security and the Causes of Violent Uighur Separatism', Terrorism & Political Violence, 20 (2) (2008), pp. 271-301,
  • Michael Clarke, '"In the National Interest": Australia’s Proliferation Approach in a Changing International Environment', Australian Journal of Politics and History, 53 (4) (2007), pp. 581-599,
  • Micchael Clarke, 'The Problematic Progress of "Integration" in the Chinese State’s Approach to Xinjiang, 1759-2005', Asian Ethnicity, 9 (3) (2007), pp. 261-289,
  • Michael Clarke, 'China’s Internal Security Dilemma and the "Great Western Development": The Dynamics of Integration, Ethnic Nationalism and Terrorism in Xinjiang', Asian Studies Review, 31 (3) (2007), pp. 323-342,
  • Michael Clarke, 'Xinjiang in the "Reform" Era: The Political and Economic Dynamics of Dengist Integration”, Issues & Studies, 43 (2) (2007), pp. 39-92.
  • Michael Clarke, 'China’s Strategy in Xinjiang and Central Asia: Toward Chinese Hegemony in the "Geographical Pivot of History"?', Issues & Studies, 41 (2) (2005), pp. 75-118
  • Michael Clarke, 'Xinjiang and China’s Relations with Central Asia, 1991-2001: Across the "Domestic-Foreign Frontier"?', Asian Ethnicity, 4 (2) (2003), pp. 207-224,
  • Michael Clarke, Stephan Fruhling, and Andrew O'Neil (eds), Australia’s Uranium Trade: The Foreign and Domestic Policy Challenges of a Contentious Export, (Routledge 2011),
  • Michael Clarke and Ashutosh Misra (eds.), Pakistan’s Stability Paradox: Domestic, Regional and International Dimensions, (Routledge 2011),
  • Michael Clarke, Matthew Sussex and Nick Bisley (eds.), The Belt and Road Initiative and the Future of Regional Order in the Indo-Pacific, (Lexington Books 2020),

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