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1.    The Melbourne Continuation School is, primarily, a High School for the training of young people who intend to become teachers in the service of the Education Department, Victoria. As many of these will desire, at a later date, to obtain University training in order to qualify for the highest positions in the teaching service, the school also prepares students for the Senior Public and the Junior Public examinations of the Melbourne University.

2.    Holders of Government Scholarships (general, mining, and agricultural), are also provided for, and, where their programme differs from the curriculum for teachers, they are taught in separate classes. As many subjects, however, are common to both courses of study, it has been found advantageous to allow scholarship winners to study these subjects side by side with the more zealous and capable of the teacher-students.

3.    Students, male and female, are trained also for entry upon the newly-instituted course in Manual Arts, particulars of which are given on page 8.


The school is situated near the Exhibition Building, and is bounded by Victoria, Spring, Albert, and Evelyn Streets. It can be conveniently reached by tram or train from any suburb. It is but three minutes’ walk from the top of Bourke Street, and fifteen minutes’ walk from the Central Railway Station in Flinders Street. Nicholson and Bourke Street trams pass the door every few minutes. Students travel by train and tram at reduced rates.

building an6 “Equipment

The school has this year (1909), an attendance of 500 day pupils, but, with slight alterations, accommodation can be provided for 600. The class rooms are spacious, well - lighted, and well - ventilated. The furniture and the teaching appliances are thoroughly up-to-date. The Physical and Chemical Laboratories, the Art room, the Sloyd and Cookery rooms, the Geography, Nature Study and History rooms are supplied with the best teaching aids. The Cloak and Assembly rooms are admirably adapted for the purposes they are designed to serve.






School Staff

The members of the staff have been selected for scholarship and proved teaching ability. Nearly all of them have had wide experience as teachers, have passed through the full course at the Training College, and possess University qualifications.

Perm iPays


FIRST TERM— Tuesday, 8th February to

Thursday, 21 st April.

SECOND FERMI—Wednesday, 27th April to

Thursday, 30th June.

THIRD TERM— Wednesday, 13th July to

Wednesday, 5 th October. FOURTH TERM—Wednesday, 12th October to

T uesday, 20th December. SUMMER VACATION—

Wednesday, 21st Dec., 1910, to Tuesday, 7th February, 1911.

The Principal will be in attendance at the Continuation Sehool on the SATURDAY and the MONDAY preceding the opening day, to enrol pupils and give information as to board and residence.]

(Lourse of Stu6y

The ordinary course of study extends over two years, and successful candidates are then eligible for appointment as junior teachers in the service of the Education Department. On certain conditions, pupils are allowed to spend a third year at the school. (a) Holders of State School Scholarships, whose course extends over three years, on passing the Junior Public examination of the Melbourne University begin immediately to study for the Senior Public examination, and for the competitive examination for Exhibitions;    (¿>) Successful competitors

for Training College studentships, which give entrance to that college without further examination, have the option of returning to school to study for the Senior Public examinations;    (c) A limited number of students

who are desirous of passing the Junior Public examination before taking up their work as teachers may also return.

For students who have passed the Junior Public examination before entering the school, a one year’s course is provided. They are credited with the subjects already passed, and are allowed to concentrate their efforts mainly on the essential subjects of the teachers’ course.

Students, male and female, who have attended for two years and have completed the ordinary course, and students who, prior to admission, have passed the Junior Public or some higher examination of the Melbourne University and have attended the school for one year, are qualified for enrolment as Manual Arts students. On completing the three years’ course for the Manual Arts Certificate, students will be eligible for employment as teachers of Drawing, Manual Arts, Sloyd, in State Schools, Continuation Schools, or Trade Schools. During their course of training, students will receive an allowance at the rate of £40 per annum for the first year, £50 for the second year, and £60 for the third year.


The following subjects are taught:—English, Greek, Latin, French, German, History, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Arithmetic, Geology, Geography, Nature Study, Physics, Chemistry, Drawing, Singing, Methods of Teaching, Physical Culture and Military Drill, Sloyd and Cookery.

Oext !&ooks

All text books are supplied to the pupils at current rates.

School 'IWs

The fees for instruction are £6 per annum, payable quarterly in advance to the Accountant, Education Department, Melbourne. There are no extra fees, but a charge of one shilling per annum is made for the use of lockers. Boys are charged two shillings per term for the use of gymnastics appliances and sports requisites. The School Magazine costs each pupil sixpence per term.

School (Lap,

Ufat anfr

All boys are expected to wear the school cap and badge on their way to and from school, and on all school occasions. In summer, boys may wear a straw hat with the school ribbon. Girls are expected to wear a straw hat and ribbon with badge throughout the year.


Qualifications for £ntry

The conditions for entry are:—(1) that, except in the case of holders of Government scholarships, all applicants for admission must be at least 14 years of age; (2) That they shall have obtained the Certificate of Merit or have passed the primary examination of the University, or have satisfied an Inspector of Schools that they are competent to take part in the course of study of the school; (3) That they show aptitude for teaching, are in sound health, are free from any physical defects likely to impair their efficiency as teachers, and are of good character. Entry is restricted to the beginning of the year.

^Applications for Admission.

Applications for admission should be sent to the Secretary, Education Department, the number of the Certificate of Merit, the date of birth, and certificates of health, character and teaching aptitude being attached to the application.

1 Further information may be obtained from the Prineipai or from the Assistant Chief Inspector, Education Department.]


Regularity and punctuality in attendance are expected, and strictly enforced. Illness only is recognized as a sufficient cause for non-attendance unless permission to be absent has been previously obtained. A pupil who is absent for one day only should tender, immediately on his return, an explanation written by parent or guardian. In all other instances the explanation should be forwarded by post. School hours are from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., and from 1.30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

^%7iti)6rawal of a ^pupil

A parent or guardian wishing to withdraw a pupil must give six weeks’ notice to the Principal, or pay half a term’s fee.

^oar6 an6 "Xo6gmg

In the case of country students, all arrangements for board and lodging must be made by the parents. The Principal, however, is prepared to afford assistance in securing suitable board and lodging for from ten shillings to fifteen shillings per week, in homes which are under his supervision, and, from time to time, if requested, he will furnish a report to the parent.


43ast yidcovb

The school was founded on 15th February, 1905.

The following tabulated statement shows the results obtained at the various examinations for which candidates have been presented.


Number of Successful Candidates




Junior Public




Senior Public

No entries




No entries



Qualified for appointment as teachers




The figures for 1909 are not yet available. At the time of going to press, all that is known is that six scholarships have been won at Ormond and Trinity Colleges, one resident and five non-resident.

Alan Robin Dorothy Tate John Legg

Elizabeth Piper Reginald Stanhope Helen Ross

John Davidson Ellen Balaam Albert Brctherton

School institutions

The prefed system has been adopted, and works satisfactorily.

The school library is docked with well-chosen books for the use of the pupils.

The quarterly magazine, “ Ours,” is published in the lad week of each term.

The School Cadet Corps is efficiently trained, the boys receiving regulation indruction in military drill and in rifle shooting.

The girls also receive daily indruction in physical culture. Pupils have the use of a well-equipped gymnasium at the Training College, under the supervision of a competent instructor.

The Friendly Societies’ Ground has been secured as a playing-field for the boys, and outdoor games are efficiently organized. To encourage physical training, a sports meeting is held annually. Perhaps nothing does more than games to develop

esprit de corps in a school.

A Boys’ Swimming Club has been formed. Piactice is regularly carried on during the warmer part of the year, under the supervision of one of the masters. The girls have a similar club under the supervision of a lady teacher. Precautions are taken to guard against any drowning accident.

Excursions for field work in Geography and Nature Study are arranged for from time to time.

An Old Boys’ Association, strong alike in numbers and enthusiasm, keeps green the friendships formed at school, and gives scope for mutual aid in educational and social matters.

The ladies, too, have formed a similar society, and hold regular meetings, which are well attended.

.Advantages Summarized

The following are some of the reasons, briefly stated, why the parent of a clever and industrious child, who has passed creditably through a primary course, should send him to the Melbourne Continuation School:—

1.    The training it offers is sound and comprehensive, aiming at the development of body, mind, and character.

2.    The supervision, while strict, is not oppressive. Lax conduct is checked, but individuality is not crushed.

3.    The school tone is healthy and buoyant.

4.    The fees are within the resources of parents of moderate means, and there are no extras.

5.    To every earnest student an assured livelihood is offered in one of the noblest of professions.

6.    It offers a clear way to a University career.

7.    The past record of the school, and its present efficiency, are sufficient to inspire confidence.