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SIMPSON S\ Breakfast

Meal is known to you as a delicious and an energizing* breakfast porridge, but do you know tbat it is tbe means of making other delightful dishes covering every occasion when food is served?

This book of recipes tells you bow to make those dishes. It is a book well worth reading for it solves tbat vexed problem “ What shall I Serve? ”

Order your packet of Simpson’s Breakfast Meal and try these new dishes without delay.

SIMPSON BROS. LTD. Ann Street. Brisbane


1 cup cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal 6 ozs. brown sugar 12 ozs. Simpson’s Self-Raising Flour

1    teaspoon cinnamon

2    eggs

pinch salt    6 ozs. butter

jr cup golden syrup ^ cup sour milk

3    teaspoons ground ginger

4    ozs. crystallised ginger

Sift the flour, cinnamon, ginger, and salt together. Melt the butter, add the syrup and sugar and stir until melted. Take off the fire and add the cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal, the milk and well-beaten eggs. Lightly stir in the flour and crystallised ginger (chopped fine). Put into a square shallow tin lined with greased paper and bake in a moderate oven about one hour or a little more. When cold, cut into squares.

Baked Peach Pudding

2 cups cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal

2    cups milk    2 eggs

1 tin peaches (or other preserved fruit)

3    ozs. sugar

Mix the cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal with the milk and sugar, beat the egg yolks well and add. Drain the syrup from the peaches and place them in a greased pie dish; pour over the pudding mixture and bake until nearly set (about 30 minutes). Cover with meringue made of the stiffly-beaten egg whites sweetened to taste and flavoured with vanilla. Return to oven to brown. Serve with the peach syrup as a sauce or with milk.

Sandwich Cake

2    ozs. cooked Simpson's Breakfast

Meal    3 ozs. butter

3    ozs. sugar 3 eggs vanilla essence

4    ozs. Simpson’s Self-Raising Flour

d cup milk    icing

M ix tbe cooked Simpson s Breakfast Meal and milk well together. Cream the butter and sugar until light and white; add eggs one by one, beating well after the addition of each egg; add vanilla and Simpsons Breakfast Meal and milk, lightly stir together. Sift the flour and add to creamed mixture. Do not beat after the flour is added. Bake in two greased sandwich tins in a moderate oven. Wh en cold, join together with butter icing and ice the top.

Porridge with Stewed Fruit

2 ozs. Simpson’s Breakfast Meal stewed fruit    d teaspoon salt

1 pint boiling water

Sprinkle Simpson’s Breakfast Meal into the boiling water, add salt, and cook for 15 to 20 minutes. Pour into porridge plates and serve with stewed fruit, sugar and milk.

Griddle Cak es

1 cup cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal 4 ozs. butter    2 eggs    2 ozs. sugar

12 ozs. Simpson’s Self-Raising Flour 1 pint milk    d teaspoon salt

M ix tke cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal with tke butter (melted), sugar, and beaten eggs. Add tke flour alternately witk milk; add salt. Beat well. Cook on a kot greased griddle or frying pan using a good tablespoonful of mixture to eack cake. Turn

once. Serve kot witk golden syrup. Tk is mixture will make 48 good sized cakes. (Do not cook too many at once, and leave room for spreading.)

Tomato Souft

2 ozs. Simpson s Breakfast Meal ^ carrot    1 stalk celery

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 oz. butter blade mace

1    onion buncb Kerbs

2    ozs. Kam salt

12 peppercorns 2 lbs. tomatoes \ turnip 3 pints stock 1 teaspoon sugar

PI ace butter into a saucepan, add all tke vegetables (except tomatoes), Kerbs, and tke Kam, and stir over tke fire for five minutes witkout browning. Add tke tomatoes, sliced, and stock, allow to simmer for about two kours or until vegetables are soft. Rub tke soup tkrougk a sieve and return to tke pan. Bring to boil and stir in tke Simpson’s Breakfast Meal and boil for 15 minutes. Add tke lemon juice, sugar and salt just before serving.

Cheese Savoury

1 pint cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal 1 cup milk    pepper, salt

4 ozs. cheese 1 oz. butter 2 eggs

Beat eggs and milk and add the cooked Simpson’s Breakast Meal and 3 ozs. cheese (grated) ; season well with pepper and salt. Place into a greased pie dish and sprinkle the remainder of cheese on top and place small bits of butter here and there on top. Bake in a moderate oven. Delicious served cold with cold joints or corned beef and salad.

2 tablespoons cooked Simpson s Breakfast Meal

1    tablespoon tomato sauce    •

^ cup milk    6 onions

2    sKeep kidneys (cooked and chopped


1 oz. butter    pepper, salt

pinch grated nutmeg

Peel onions and boil for five minutes in salted water, strain and place into cold water to cool slightly. Now carefully remove the centres of onions, chop these and place in a saucepan with butter and milk; allow to boil. Mix together the cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal, the chopped kidney, the tomato sauce, nutmeg, pepper and salt. Stuff the onions with this mixture. Place in a greased pie dish, and place the boiled onion and milk mixture around. Cover with greased paper or another dish of the same size and bake till onion is quite tender and soft.

Lemon Cheesecahe

2 tablespoons Simpson’s Breakfast Meal grated rind of 1 lemon    short pastry

2 ozs. sugar    2 ozs. butter

2 eggs    2 cups milk    jam

Boil milk, sprinkle in the Simpson’s Breakfast Meal and boil for 10 minutes, watch carefully; remove from the hre and add the sugar, grated lemon rind, eggs beaten well, and the butter. Allow to cool slightly. Make short pastry and line a pie plate with it; add a layer of peach or other jam on bottom of pastry. Cover with above mixture and bake m a moderate oven about 25 minutes.

2 tablespoons cooked Simpson s Breakfast Meal

1 tablespoon gravy 4 ozs. chopped ham or tongue salt, pepper

6 tomatoes    1 shallot

1 oz. butter

1 dessertspoon chopped parslej squares of fried bread

Cut the top and scoop out the centre of tomatoes carefully. Melt the butter, add the chopped shallot, fry a little; add the cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal, ham, parsley, the tomato centres, and gravy. Season well with pepper and salt. Fill tomatoes with this mixture. Bake on a greased dish in a moderate oven till tomato is soft. Serve each tomato on the squares of fried bread.

Pfneafifile SoufiTe

2 ozs. Simpson’s Breakfast Meal 2 ozs. sugar    1 oz. butter    pinch salt

2 eggs    1 pint milk

\ cup grated pineapple

Boil the milk, add a pinch of salt, and sprinkle in the Simpson’s Breakfast Meal. Simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Take off the fire, add the sugar, grated pineapple, and the beaten yolks of eggs. Whip the egg whites to a stiff froth, and stir lightly into the mixture. Pour into a buttered souffle dish (pie dish) and bake for 20 to 30 minutes until well risen and brown.

Serve at once with pineapple sauce or custard.

Boiled Plum Pudding

4 ozs. cooked Simpson s Breakfast Meal 4 ozs. sugar

4 ozs. butter or dripping 4 ozs. sultanas    4 ozs. raisms

1 tablespoon golden syrup or treacle pinch salt

8 ozs. Simpson s Self-Raising Flour ^ cup milk    3 eggs

4 ozs. currants    1 chopped apple

-k teaspoon cinnamon or spice piece candied peel

Cream the butter and sugar until light and white; add the eggs one by one ; add cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal and syrup or treacle. Chop the apple and sift the flour; add all the other dry ingredients to it. Add this to the creamed butter and sugar and last of all the milk. Do not beat this after the flour is added. Flour a pudding cloth and place the mixture m it. Tie up, allowing a little room for swelling. Boil for hours. Serve with custard.

2 ozs. Simpson’s Breakfast Meal 1 oz. sugar    flavouring essence

lj pints milk    pmck salt    1 egg

jr cup sultanas

Boil milk, add pinck salt, sprinkle in the Simpson’s Breakfast Meal and stir until it thickens. Add sugar, sultanas, flavouring and the well-beaten egg. Pour into a greased pie dish and bake in a moderate oven for about 30 minutes until set and lightly browned. Serve hot with a good sprinkle of sugar over the top.

If eggs are plentiful 2 or 3 eggs are a great improvement.

Potage Soufi

2 ozs. Simpson’s Breakfast Meal salt, pepper

1 quart stock    1 gill milk

Remove all fat from stock, bring to boil, sprinkle into this the Simpson’s Breakfast Meal, stirring all the time. Cover, and simmer gently for 30 minutes. Stir occasionally. Add j cup milk, pepper and salt. Serve with toast cut into small pieces. A richer soup may be made by putting a beaten egg into the soup tureen and gradually pouring the hot soup into it while stirring.

To make the Stock.—Place soup bones into a saucepan, well cover with water, and allow to simmer for some hours; strain and remove fat. Water in which fowl, rabbit or veal has been boiled is also a nice stock for this soup.

Baked Fruit Custard

1 cup cooked Simpson’s Breakfast Meal ^ cup sugar

1    cup raisins or stewed prunes

2    cups milk    2 eggs

^ teaspoon vanilla essence

M ix the cooked Simpson s Breakfast Meal and milk and sugar together; add the eggs well beaten, and raisins or prunes. Place the mixture into a greased pie dish and bake in a moderate oven until with

3 ozs. Simpson’s Breakfast Meal

1    pint milk

2    tablespoons hot water

pmch salt

3    ozs. chocolate 2^ ozs. sugar .

vanilla essence

2 egg whites

1 oz. butter

Blend chocolate with the hot water. Boil the milk, add a pinch of salt and sprinkle in the Simpson’s Breakfast Meal. Allow to simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the sugar, the dissolved chocolate and the vanilla. Last of all lightly stir in the stiffly-beaten egg whites. Pour into a mould which has been rinsed out with cold water. Turn out when cold and serve with cream or custard. (Coffee Pudding is made the same way, using cup strong coffee in place of chocolate.)

Printed and produced in conjunction with “ R. S. Maynard Advertising” by Jackson & O’Sullivan. Brisbane.